In Switzerland, only a few insurance policies are compulsory: Health insurance, accident insurance and, if you have a car, third-party car insurance. It is also advisable to have private liability insurance and household contents insurance.
Health insurance (Krankenkasse)
Everyone living in Switzerland is obliged to have health insurance. There are many different health insurance companies. The price of insurance they offer varies, but they all have to cover the same legally regulated benefits. That’s why it’s worth choosing a cheap health insurance if you don’t have much money. You can look at the premiums and compare them at You can read about how the health insurance system in Switzerland works in detail also at . It’s also a good idea to ask acquaintances, work colleagues and friends who have experience with it. Important: If you are a low earner, find out whether you are entitled to premium reductions (Prämienverbilligung) (see link).
Accident insurance (Unfallversicherung)
Even if you only work one hour for an employer, you are insured against accidents at work. If you work more than eight hours a week for an employer, you are also insured against non-occupational accidents, i.e., accidents during your free time. If you work less than eight hours a week, you must take out an accident insurance policy with your health insurer. You can tick this box on the registration form or simply inform the health insurance company if your situation changes and you need to take out accident insurance or if your accident insurance is no longer necessary.
Car insurance
If you want to register a car in Switzerland, you must take out third-party car insurance (motor liability ins.= Auto-Haftpflichtversicherung). This insurance pays for any damage you cause with your car – to other people’s vehicles, buildings or even if you injure someone (minus a deductible (Selbstbehalt) of about 200-500 francs). The same applies to motorbikes. This insurance does not cover damage to your own vehicle.
There are also different types of car insurance – they differ in cost (premium amount, bonus-malus system, costs depending on nationality, required repayments for accidents caused by gross negligence (grob fahrlässig), etc. Accidents caused by gross negligence are those in which you are to blame yourself because you did not take due care, for example because you drank too much alcohol). The benefits offered are similar at all companies.
Please note: Only motor liability insurance is compulsory – comprehensive insurance is voluntary. Comprehensive insurance (Kaskoversicherung) covers accident damage to your own car. You can find offers from various major car insurers at
Personal liability insurance (Privathaftpflicht-Versicherung)
If you cause damage to another person, your private liability insurance will pay for the damage (minus a deductible = Selbestbehalt usually about 200 francs). For example, if you sit on your girlfriend’s glasses, ruin your neighbour’s expensive clothes with tar damage or injure someone with your bicycle. In the case of gross negligence (see car insurance), the insurance company can reduce the benefits. Caution: If the person who caused the damage and the injured party live in the same household, private liability insurance will not pay.
Many landlords and landladies require tenants‘ liability insurance (Mieterhaftpflicht-Versicherung). In Basel-Stadt, this insurance is compulsory. Tenant’s liability is included in the normal private liability insurance, but can also be taken out individually, e.g., with the tenants‘ association (Mieterverband, see 6 Living / Residence).
Private liability is often combined with household contents insurance (Hausrat-Versicherung). If there is damage in the house (for example, due to fire) or if someone breaks in, your own things (furniture, clothes, jewellery, etc.) are then insured. And usually, theft outside the house is also insured up to a certain amount.
- Premium reductions: Basel-Stadt, Baselland and other cantons
- Amount of premium reduction in Baselland
- Gesundheitswegweiser Schweiz