Most undocumented migrants are experts at living with very little money. Some things, however, change through regularisation. For example, it is important that you know about taxes, that you know about compulsory insurance contributions and that you know which additional costs come with the rent. It is also important to know about bills that you only have to pay once or twice a year. It makes sense to set aside money for these bills every month. It is also important to know about financial help that may be available, such as rate reductions for health insurance (Prämienverbilligung) and family rent subsidies.
The examples and links in this chapter are intended to help you manage your money.
You will find sample budgets for individuals (light blue), single parents (yellow) and couples (green). The examples won’t fit your situation exactly – they are meant as templates.
It makes sense to create your own budget using the blank budget form. There you can write down your actual expenses and see where you can save or postpone something. For one or two months, write down what you spend money on and how much. This makes it easier to fill out the budget form. With all your questions about money and budgeting, you can also come to Plusminus, budget and debt counselling in Basel (see link).
About the examples:
- The amount of tax due in Basel-Stadt can be calculated using the tax calculator (see link). However, it depends on individual factors. Alimony, deductions for private pension provisions, occupational disability costs, etc. are not taken into account by the calculator. So read chapter 11 on taxes very carefully. If you are taxed at source, your taxes have already been deducted.
- Food does not include restaurant meals and alcoholic beverages and smoking is not included in the budget.
- For the health insurance, we have assumed a minimum deductible of 300 francs for adults and 0 francs for children (see 8 Insurances).
- The costs reckoned for public transport are the price of a U-Abo and the SBB Half-Fare Card plus some single journeys by train, so that the Half-Fare Card is worth buying. A Junior Card is included in the budget for single parents.
Information material
- Example of budgets for individuals (light blue), single parents (yellow) and couples (green), 2021
- Beispielbudgets für Einzelpersonen (hellblau), Alleinerziehende (gelb) und Paare (grün), 2023
- a blank budget form to fill in yourself
- Plusminus
- Detailed budget from Plusminus (very precise, but also complicated budget form)
- Many tips on saving and hints for financial help
- Tax calculator of Basel-Stadt
- Tax calculator of the federal government and other cantons